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Faraniaina Estherie


Faraniaina Estherie


Faraniaina Estherie

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Let's help each other.



At the RMIFC, we are committed to ensuring the safety and security of sea lanes in the Indian Ocean, working closely with our national and international partners.

Datas that arereliable and up to date.

The front focused on the Central and Southern of the Indian Ocean

This interactive map shows our coverage area, which encompasses the southeastern part of the Indian Ocean. You can explore different areas of interest, key shipping routes, as well as critical monitoring points.

Find all ship activities listed here.

We guarantee you up-to-date and reliable information regarding all vessel activities in the Indian Ocean area and much more. In collaboration with official resources such as Vesselfinder or the 'Sea Vision' platform, we only communicate information verified by a community of experts.

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Intergovernmental Authority on Development
East African Community
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
Comission de l'Océan Indien
Union Européenne

Vessel Community Report

Contribute to regional maritime security with the Maritime Information Fusion Center. As a participant in the Vessel Community Report, you will play a crucial role in combating illicit activities and improving maritime surveillance. Join -us to strengthen the security of our oceans and guarantee a peaceful future for all.

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